Why is it Necessary to Conduct ASTM E2149 Test?
There are so many organisms and microorganisms that coexist on the planet. And the microbes remain attached to surfaces rather than living free. With the potential to transfer to other locations, too, they can become a reservoir of infection. For example, if they come into contact with human skin or food items and get favourable conditions for growth, they can multiply and cause adverse effects on human beings.
Therefore, people, both manufacturers and consumers, look for antimicrobial surfaces. Whether it is any textile, plastic, coatings, and any other body, microbial testing becomes essential.
Antimicrobial surfaces are vigorously marketed and pursued because people do not want to attract illness. For this, numerous antimicrobial agents are disabled onto a wide range of porous surfaces like textiles, including natural and synthetic fabrics and onto non-porous surfaces like plastic and metal. There are various tests to confirm that the body is disinfected, like ASTM E 2149, JIS Z 2801, AATCC Test Method 100, JIS L 1902, etc.
In this article, you will get a better comprehension of the test method titled “Determining the Antimicrobial Activity of Immobilised Antimicrobial Agents Under Dynamic Contact Conditions”.
What is ASTM E 2419?
ASTM E 2419, also known as the sensitive shake flask test, is recommended for testing paper, fabric, granular material, and powder. It evaluates the antimicrobial additive action with a non-leaching material when it is shaken within a suspension where the microorganism is introduced. It typically involves the immersion of the bacteria like Klebsiella Pneumonia or Escherichia Coli in the flask to test the sample. The flask mechanically oscillates to ensure sufficient contact between the test sample and the bacteria.
The efficacy of the ASTM E 2419 protocol is determined by comparing the number of microbes present in the flask before and after exposing it to the test item. Before the testing laboratory confirms the results, the active ingredient’s neutralisation must be ensured if leaching of the agent is detectable.
One of the significant strengths of the ASTM E 2419 method is that it specifies the initial target microbial concentration and allows for a fair and reproducible comparison between the different antimicrobial agents. Another strength of this method is that it will enable experimental flexibility that facilitates the researchers to adapt the test to antimicrobial agents of various shapes and sizes. Although there are some drawbacks of the ASTM E 2419 bacterial test, if it is conducted within the spirit, it can be beneficial to many industries and organisations. It can cover their backs completely.