Interesting features of ISO 22196 JIS Z 2801 for the antimicrobial components.

Microbe Investigation
4 min readAug 18, 2021


Microbe Investigations AG (MIS) provides reliable, fast, affordable product development and quality control.

ISO stands for International Standard Organization, and JIS stands for Japanese Industrial Standard. With the help of this article, you will know about interesting features of iso 22196 jis z 2801 for the antimicrobial substances.

What are the interesting features of jis z 2801 iso 22196?

An interesting feature of the iso 22196 jis z 2801 test method is given by,

  • International Organization for Standardization (ISO), which is used to define quantitative testing methods to determine the antibacterial activity of textile products which including non-woven fabrics
  • This test method is suitable for all kinds of textile products such as fabrics, wadding, threads and clothing materials, home decoration, and various products regardless of the type of antimicrobial agent used. (Organic or inorganic, natural or artificial) or method of use (built-in after treatment or organ transplantation).
  • It depends on the expected use and the environment in which the textile product is intended to be used.
  • The customer can choose the appropriate method for determining the antimicrobial activity, various microbial testing procedures. They are the Absorption method, Assessment method, and the bacterial suspension is inoculated directly on the sample, count colonies and adenosine Triphosphate fluorescence method is also indicated for the quantitative enumeration of bacteria.

What are the advantages of JIS ISO 22196 JIS Z 2801?

The advantages of iso 22196 jis z 2801test are given by,

This method is used to detect the quantity, and the results are often repeatable. If the leavening agent is not spread on the target area after coating with a thin film.

This type of method is used to test both inhibit growth and kill bacteria.

In this test method, the concentration of microorganisms was set as a standard, and the bacteria will receive nutrients during the incubation period. This provides ample opportunity for growth if the substrate does not contain enough antimicrobial compounds. This is in contrast to other antimicrobial tests where microorganisms are “incubated” in non-nutrient suspensions. This can create stress in the long run.

This method defines three trials. This allows researchers to assess the validity of individual tests and improve overall experimental accuracy.

This method includes the criteria “Pass/Fail” for the antimicrobial activity level calculated on the test sample. This makes the determination of antimicrobial activity less discretionary.

What are the disadvantages of the ISO 22196 JIS Z 2801?

The disadvantage of the ISO 22196 JIS Z 2801 are given by,

The ISO 22196 JIS Z 2801method does not need to be present on the actual contamination surface. This is because relatively dilute liquid microorganisms spread over large surfaces and then get wet. In most cases, Microbial contaminants dry quickly on the surface.

This limits the amount of time the aqueous medium exists to facilitate antimicrobial-microbial interactions. This means that the JIS Z 2801 is the “best case” test for many products.

It is not uncommon for “control” plastics to exhibit low levels of antimicrobial activity, so it can be difficult to use this test method to determine the ideal control surface.

What is the purpose of ISO 22196 JIS Z 2801?

The purpose of iso 22196 jis z 2801 is determined by,

The Japanese Industrial Standard (JIS) Z 2801 is a most commonly requested quantitative antimicrobial test for the components like plastics, foams, and textiles and is based on ISO 22196.

The JIS Z 2801 standard method tests hard surfaces and plastics to measure Climb potential growth after inoculation by two common bacteria, E. coli, and S. aurous. The usual test is 24 hours. JIS Z 2801 is one of the tests. The most frequently requested antimicrobial surface, fast and reliable for its antibacterial activity and efficacy.

Durability testing is one of the important tests which in conjunction with JIS Z 2801 can provide important information about the antimicrobial performance of products when exposed to different environmental conditions such as heat, humidity, UV, etc.

As with all antimicrobial tests in the laboratory, it is advisable to comply with the end customer’s requirements and the relevant regulatory authorities first when choosing a test method.

What is the reason for choosing ISO 22196 JIS Z 2801?

The reason for selecting ISO 22196 JIS Z 2801 is given by,

  • JIS Z 2801 was developed for materials and products entering the Japanese market.
  • The JIS standard is a globally recognized and trusted antimicrobial test.
  • The JIS standard corresponds to a wide range of markets.
  • JIS Z 2801 Harmonized Version ISO 22196 is almost identical to JIS Z 2801.

What are the steps in ISO 22196 JIS Z 2801?

The steps are involved in the ISO JIS Z 2801 are given by,

  • The microorganisms tested are usually prepared by growing in a liquid culture medium.
  • Test microbial suspensions were normalized by dilution in nutritious broth. (This allows microorganisms to spread during the trial.)
  • The control and test surfaces were inoculated with microorganisms. The inoculums are then covered with a thin, sterile film. The inoculums cover is spread to prevent it.
  • Evaporate and come in close contact with antimicrobial surfaces.
  • Determine the concentration of microorganisms that “Zero time” by erosion followed by dilution and jelly
  • The use of vaccinated surfaces is permitted. Cover control and antimicrobial testing are allowed to incubate undisturbed eggs in a humid environment for 24 hours, usually at body temperature.
  • After incubation, the concentration of microorganisms is determined. The reduction of microorganisms was calculated against the control surface.

You can get a clear outline for the ISO 22196 JIS Z 2801 for the antimicrobial substances from the above discussion.

Also read - What You Need To know about the JIS z 2801 test method.



Microbe Investigation
Microbe Investigation

Written by Microbe Investigation


We aim to advance product developments of antimicrobial treatments for a wide range of applications and expand expert knowledge of microbiology.

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